Nursing Technician Academic Program

To form professionals in the nursing area with knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes for the well development in the assisting teaching, administrative and research processes, required to provide attention to the individuals healthy or un-healthy, family and community in the health attention levels.

To promote and strengthen the team work in a multidisciplinary manner as well as the educational offer, forming capable and responsible professionals in the performance of their activities related to the professional in Nursing.

To form professionals in Nursing, competitive, critical and reflective under the methodological, conceptual and practical schemes who respond to the requirements in the mission and vision of the Centro Universitario del Sur as well as of Universidad de Guadalajara, which are immerse in demanding social context.

To establish the adaptation of curricular programs and plans according to the new trends in education, to give a response to the requirements of the professional market, recovering the scientific and technological innovations, and local national and international social health demands in the Nursing profession areas.

To start a cognoscente development, practical in human values, ethic and legal, which will allow the graduate to provide holistic care of nursing according to the independent, interdependent, and interdisciplinary interventions and will make him/her competent in the varied stages of their formation process. Who, when being part of the labor market will be able to analyze and influence in his/her social and historical environment and propose improvements in the methods and techniques which help to their transformation, through a process of interpretation and an inter and multidisciplinary relationship.

Application profile.

  • To form professionals in nursing competent, critical and reflective under methodological, conceptual and practical schemes.
  • To establish the modification of plans and programs according to the trends in education, to give response to the requirements of the professional market, recovering the scientific and technological improvements and social demanding in terms of health, social, national and internationally, through an emphasis in integrated  competences in the professional aspects of Nursing.

Graduated profile

  • Graduates in nursing will possess a solid, integral formation which includes scientific, technical, cultural, humanistic, ethic and legal aspects to provide a holistic care in nursing to the individuals, healthy or un-healthy, with a wide vision of the social issues which allows him/her to be a part in the health team.
  • They will carry their profession with a reflexive and critical sense based on the refinement of their intellectual capacities, with a spirit of searching the knowledge, a leadership attitude, managing and decision-taking to take the compromise and responsibility with the performance of their profession.
  • They will participate actively in professional organizations to improve their job conditions and the preparation in their professional area, with a solid professional identity that enriches their social conscious and the responsibility in the practices of their profession.
  • They will count with the necessary attitude and skills which allow them to participate in the varied situations and areas of work for their future professional performance, directed to the exercise of an institutionalized practice with a preventive, healing and rehabilitation emphasis.

Professional profile

  • Graduates will be able to carry their professional practice in the different professional fields that offer the health institutions to the population opened in non-institutionalized areas, in industry and other places of social welfare. They, will also be able to create emerging professional practice fields and the free practices of the profession.
  • They will work on public and private health institutions, educational, sports, business institutions, as well as independent practice.

Graduation requirements
This career is taken in a period of 6 semesters average plus one year of social service, the complete amount of credits is 387, distributed on 6 areas of formation. (Social service is a Constitutional requirement to all students in Mexico)

Application procedure
Visit the Control Escolar’s website